Students’ lives are full of responsibilities inside and outside the classroom, along with increasing amounts of digital connection and media consumption. Day-to-day spiritual life can feel fragmented, as many young people struggle to see how Christian faith connects with their various interests and passions. In the midst of life’s demands and distractions, Christian teenagers are taught to keep God first. But how?
To emerge as passionate followers of Jesus in this present age, students need to learn how to live a holistic, integrated spiritual life. This includes a deep understanding of how Christianity shapes their view of humanity and the world (worldview), how following Jesus impacts their personal life (identity), and how a biblical vision guides their vocational pursuits (calling).
#LiveFully is the integration of these concentrations: worldview, identity, and calling. Students will learn how Christian faith impacts every area of life and human culture. As a result of the course, students will have gained confidence and clarity to live as the “salt of the earth” and “light of the world” in this complex, changing world.